The best way to use Landscaping bark in a London garden
Landscaping bark is a fantastic material to use in the garden. It's a biodegradable mulch that will not only suppress weeds but will help your soil retain moisture so you need to water less, protects plant roots from extreme temperatures and improves soil texture. It also looks beautiful too, adding a natural finish to your urban London garden.
Use Landscaping bark for an ecological protective barrier
Not only is Landscaping bark biodegradable, meaning it will eventually rot down and add nutrients and valuable microorganisms to the soil structure, it also provides a useful barrier for your edible crops so they don't pick up diseases direct from the soil. If you're an urban gardener, then Landscaping bark chips will help produce better crops. An additional benefit of using Landscaping bark rather than some other mulching materials is that Landscaping bark is completely safe for your pet dogs, whereas mulches like spent hops and cocoa shells can be deadly if eaten.
Use Landscaping bark for decorative walkways
Not only can Landscaping bark be a cost-effective alternative to slabs or gravel, it can add a fresh and natural finish to an urban garden that otherwise might look a little hard edged. Remember to lay Landscaping bark for paths about 10 cm deep as this will allow for the compression that occurs when people use the paths. Using larger Landscaping bark chips gives maximum coverage and a smart appearance.
Use Landscaping bark for play areas
Landscaping bark is an outstanding material to use under swings and play houses. It provides an absorbent surface to cushion any falls and helps to prevent the area around play equipment turning into a mud bath in the rain. No more muddy footprints through the house has to be a win-win. Our play Landscaping bark is attractive and tested to British Standards for impact absorption.
Use Landscaping bark to decorate pots and borders
If you have an urban London garden and you do a lot of container gardening, then Landscaping bark is the perfect mulch to provide a decorative finish to window boxes and pots helping to reduce the need for watering and suppressing any weeds. Make sure you mulch to a good depth for best results. Landscaping bark also helps to finish off ornamental borders keeping them neat and tidy and looking highly decorative.