Create the perfect summer lawn by laying lawn turf the professional way
If you're investing in good-quality lawn turf from the London Lawn Turf Co, then it makes sense to lay it as professionally as possible. This will maximise the chance of your lawn flourishing and make the most of your investment.
Before you start laying your turf there are certain things you need to consider before you order and you will of course need to prepare your garden for the new turf. Don't forget to add a good pre-turfing fertiliser a few days before you decide to lay your lawn, and lay your lawn within 24 hours of delivery if possible. If not, then unroll each turf and lay it flat until you're ready to tackle the job.
Laying your lawn turf the professional way
• Begin at one edge or corner of your lawn and gently unroll each piece of turf. Continue until you reach the edge, then cut off any excess and use to start the next row. It's important you lay your turf in a staggered pattern, like brickwork. Ensure that the gaps between pieces are minimal, but ensure that pieces don't overlap.
• Use a scaffolding board or similar on top of the turf to act as a walkway as you work. This has the additional benefit of tamping down the grass so the roots make good contact with the soil.
• When you're cutting curves, leave a rough edge. This can be trimmed with a lawn edger once the grass turf is properly bedded in.
• Top dressing is important to fill any gaps in the turf and to encourage the pieces to knit together more quickly. Spread a mixture of sand and topsoil over your lawn and work into any gaps with a brush.
• If your lawn is over 50 square meters in area, make sure you water in the first pieces of turf laid before they start to dry out. Otherwise water the entire lawn thoroughly when you've finished laying.
The best aftercare for lawn turf
• Water thoroughly every day for the first two weeks, then reduce to 2-4 times weekly depending on the weather. After about 6 weeks you can begin to water weekly. When your lawn is bedded in, then reduce the watering to every 2 weeks as over watering can lead to a weak and shallow root system.
• Once the grass has reached around 2 inches (5cms) cut with newly sharpened blades on the highest setting.
You can start to enjoy your beautiful new lawn as soon as you can no longer lift the edges free of the soil. With proper care, your lawn turf will continue to look lovely for years to come, so if you need new garden turf in the Surrey, Kent, Hampshire or London area, contact us for a free quote.